Tag: #turbo-native

Rails - The One Person Framework

History I’ll make no bones about it. I love Ruby and I love Rails! I was lucky to see DHH’s seminal Ruby on Rails demo video How to build a blog engine in 15 minutes in 2005 while I was working at a startup in San Francisco. At the time I was leading a team building J2ME, Brew and WAP mobile ringtone apps, with the backend all implemented with Java Servlets and JSP running on...

From Idea to App Store in 2 hours!

OK, I’ll admit it, “From Idea to App Store in 2 hours” was mainly to get you to click and a riff on my friend - and Turbo Native expert - Joe Masilotti’s excellent post “Idea to App Store in 7 days”, but hear me out. This is a true story about the power of Ruby on Rails and Turbo Native apps which was made even more apparent to me this weekend! Since my little...

1500cals in the iOS App Store!

1500cals is now in the iOS App Store! Quick Announcement: I’m thrilled to announce that just in time for those New Years resolutions, 1500cals passed certification with Apple first time, and is now available to all for FREE in the iOS App Store! Check it our and download it here: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/1500cals/id6470238113 I started building this just for myself to solve the annoyances I had with other calorie counting weight loss apps on my journey to...

1500cals iOS App Launched!

New iOS App Very excited to announce 1500cals for iOS is now available via Test Flight! I previously wrote about my journey to lose 50kg (110lbs) last year, the tools I used and then about the new app I was building to help plan meals and track exercise. I built this app for myself as I really wanted to use all the great features in Rails 7, Stimulus and Hotwire. The other key piece in...

New App Sneak Peek

What’s New? I’ve written before about my weight loss journey last year where I lost 50kg through mostly watching what I ate and starting to exercise. The main “trick” I uncovered is simply to plan meals ahead. It sounds boring, it sounds annoying, but really its such a tiny effort for such outsized and life changing rewards that it should be a no-brainer. The existing tools I found were more focused on tracking after eating...

Get Started with Strada! A First Look on iOS

Tada! I mean, Strada! If you’ve been following along, you may know I’ve been getting quite interested in Turbo Native iOS for Rails. If you haven’t been following along.. why not! Anyhow, to recap, Turbo Native enables rapid development of hybrid apps, by wrapping a Rails 7 turbo-enabled webapp in a native iOS or Android shell. It really is fantastic and exposes so much more than just a simple web browser. The big news yesterday...

Password-less SwiftUI Native Auth with Turbo iOS

Overview This post continues on from my last, where we implemented Password-less Authentication in Rails, which powers the backend to the app in this post. You can get the finished Source Code on GitHub or if you prefer, follow along below from scratch. What we’ll build In this article we’ll build a Turbo Native iOS app in Swift that wraps our Password-less Authentication Rails app from Part 1, enhancing it with native Swift UI authentication...

iOS Development Diary Part 2

Recap I’ve had a lot more free time in the last few weeks so really doubled down on my iOS adventures with Swift, Rails 7 and Turbo Native! In my first article about this journey, I left off somewhere deep in a quagmire of confusion and architectural patterns MVC, MVVM, MVVM-C patterns, and to be honest, it wasn’t too fruitful. Emerging from the Rabbit Hole In the end I was looking for something that didn’t...

iOS Development Diary Part 1

How Did We Get Here? I’ve been obsessed with writing computer programs since I was 12, and been gainfully employed doing so professionally for the last 20+ years using the likes of C, PHP, Perl, Java, JSPs and Ruby. I’ve really settled on my preferred toolkit and platforms, and what I enjoy the most is building products and services for the web, bringing them to life and to global audiences. I’ve gotten pretty good at...

Turbo Native Quick Start

Rails 7 and Hotwire As I mentioned in a previous post, Rails 7 is a real inflection point in terms of capabilities out of the box, the efficiencies and frankly a joyful development experience. You truly can get the speed and interactivity of a single-page web application without having to write any JavaScript. High-fidelity hybrid apps Turbo Native is a further part of the Hotwire ecosystem that enables development of hybrid apps, by wrapping a...