Tag: #hotwire

Get Started with Strada! A First Look on iOS

Tada! I mean, Strada! If you’ve been following along, you may know I’ve been getting quite interested in Turbo Native iOS for Rails. If you haven’t been following along.. why not! Anyhow, to recap, Turbo Native enables rapid development of hybrid apps, by wrapping a Rails 7 turbo-enabled webapp in a native iOS or Android shell. It really is fantastic and exposes so much more than just a simple web browser. The big news yesterday...

Turbo Native Quick Start

Rails 7 and Hotwire As I mentioned in a previous post, Rails 7 is a real inflection point in terms of capabilities out of the box, the efficiencies and frankly a joyful development experience. You truly can get the speed and interactivity of a single-page web application without having to write any JavaScript. High-fidelity hybrid apps Turbo Native is a further part of the Hotwire ecosystem that enables development of hybrid apps, by wrapping a...

Dynamic Search with Hotwire

Hotwire is an incredible framework for making rich, responsive, and snappy client experiences with the minimum of complexity. It leans on Rails standard concepts of convention over configuration and omakase to deliver a simple developer experience without any trade off to performance or capabilities. In this example I’ll describe how I added a very simple dynamic search feature to a side project I’ve been working on, with a trivial amount of code and effort. The...

Rails 7 - Talk about a Revolution

Love, Love Me Do I loved Rails the instant I watched DHH’s “How to build a blog in 15 minutes with Rails” around 2005. To set the scene, at the time I was working at a ringtone startup in San Francisco (remember ringtones?!). The business was doing amazingly well - our first million dollar ringtone was 50 Cent P.I.M.P. in all its polyphonic glory - and we had a small dev team delivering a pretty...