Rails World 2024!

Rails World 2024

I’m running out of superlatives! This time last year I was euphorically writing about Rails World on returning from Amsterdam as it was simply spectacular. Fast forward to today as I sit in my hotel room about to head home from Rails World 2024 in Toronto, the feeling is only amplified tenfold. This extraordinary bringing together of the Rails community to celebrate, share and learn is something truly special.

Rails 8 - Rails World 2024 Toronto


The announcements in DHH’s keynote and release of Rails 8 were obvious highlights, but the energy and excitement that seems to be only getting more amplified since last year is what left the biggest impression.

The singular highlight was the moment David presented Matz with the Rails lifetime achievement award, and the sheer surprise and joy in Matz’ face that I managed to capture in this photo and tweet from the front row! (noticed DHH used this in his blog post too :D)

DHH presenting Lifetime Award to Matz

All of the sessions will be released on the official Rails YouTube channel over the next couple of weeks so make sure to check and enjoy any you missed or if you weren’t lucky enough to attend.

Rails Foundation

Lastly, I must thank Cookpad for supporting me and - with the other founding members - for their continued support of the Rails Foundation, without which none of this would happen.

Rails Foundation Members at Rails World 2024 in Toronto